
Exercising a SamoyedIf you have a Samoyed puppy then regular short exercise is the best. Do not allow your puppy to run up and down stairs as this can cause damage to the hips. A puppy needs short walks on the lead.WaterSport Not too much free running and plenty of rest. As your puppy grows and gets stronger then you may find it pulls a lot. There is no magical cure for this. Samoyeds are freight/herding dogs and pulling is part of their nature. They also enjoy chasing after cats, rabbits, squirrels, in fact anything that moves. It is not a good idea to let your Samoyed off the lead unless you are very sure it will come back on recall. A few biscuits, or ball on a rope normally works wonders.

Sams have a habit of going deaf when you least expect it!!!!

Always use a rolled leather collar when walking and make sure you have a name tag on it. If pulling becomes a problem then a Halti can help. Sams will try anything to get them off but perseverance is the answer. An adult Samoyed ideally needs at least two long walks a day (2 miles or more). If they do not get sufficient exercise then they become even noisier and more destructive.

Do not exercise your dog within 1 hour of feeding.

Do not exercise your dogs in hot weather. Take them out early in the morning and last thing at night, and make sure they have access to plenty of fresh water.

Do not use a metal check chain.

Do have fun and enjoy your walks. You will meet people who just want to stroke the dogs & have a chat. Don’t be in a rush, just enjoy…